Photo by Shea Baumgarner
Mollie Gordon (she/her/hers) is a playwright and theatre-maker currently based in New Jersey. She was a 2022 recipient of the David Lindsay-Abaire Award for Excellence in Playwriting, and a 2023 finalist for the New Perspectives Women's Work LAB. Her play If It Weren't for the Women, We'd Still Be Stuck in the Desert was a 2024 O'Neill National Playwrights Conference Semifinalist. Mollie's plays have been developed with The Bechdel Group, Athena Project, Personal Pizza Party, and Sarah Lawrence College. Mollie was a member of the inaugural Personal Pizza Party Writers' Kitchen cohort. She was recently The Bechdel Group's 2023-24 Resident Playwright. She has a BA in Theatre and Writing from Sarah Lawrence.
Mollie uses her writing to create queer utopias, and to depict queer people carving out space for themselves in the midst of capitalist and patriarchal claustrophobia. She is particularly interested in utilizing elements of fantasy to create more multifaceted LGBTQ+ representation for the stage.
Mollie's plays are available on New Play Exchange.